Moreton Rd
R D 2
Glenn TaplinN Z Police
20 March 2008
Regarding your letter of 30th October 2007:
1. Regarding the response to the two letters sent by Ken Daniels. Your letter states that it is your understanding “the matters have been addressed in previous correspondence.” Please provide this correspondence or specify how the matters were “addressed”. The matters might have been addressed but they certainly haven’t been resolved, although they might have been if Sgt Reid had not left the police force.
1.1. On what date did Sgt Reid leave the force, and for what reason did he leave?
2. Regarding Rachel Betteridge. You have claimed that (a) there is no evidence that Betteridge and her husband sent me any threatening or offensive text messages and phone calls, and (b) you claim that I haven’t tried to make a complaint, which is absolutely untrue and you know it.
2.1. Attached “A” and “B” are statements from two Justices of the Peace confirming the threatening and offensive messages to me from Betteridge and her husband.
2.2. I have previously taken this phone into the Carterton, Greytown and Masterton police stations and tried to lay a complaint. On each occasion I have been told to go away, without the complaint being even recorded. Other people have accompanied me and witnessed this response from the police on several occasions. I have also written the police numerous letters constituting clear complaints and describing how upset I was, and continue to be, to receive these messages, and the continued calls from Colin Allomes, including several in breach of his bail conditions.
2.3. Your response ignores all this, and focuses on your claim that “there was no specific comments by the presiding Judge which gave cause to doubt the credibility of the witness.” These statements from the JP’s, and the messages on the phone, certainly give cause to doubt her credibility, and also prove that she committed perjury, don’t they. Police proceeded with a prosecution against me based on nothing more than the word of a lying prostitute.
2.4. Just like police proceeded with a long drawn out bill sticking charge based on nothing more than the word of “the Postal Service” which was never “put to paper” while police continue to protect the identity of the “complainant”.
2.5. As the defendant in the matter after the police laid charges, I insist that you name the complainant or give a reason why you refuse to do so.
2.6. Provide me immediately with any evidence at all of any of the messages that Betteridge and the police alleged that I sent her (apart from her (lying) word for it, which do not amount to evidence any more than John Crawford’s lies do).
2.7. Police sought no evidence whatsoever from either Betteridge or Vodafone regarding any threatening or offensive messages from me.
2.8. Nowhere in all the information released by the police is there any evidence whatsoever that Betteridge even told a police officer what the alleged messages said, let alone showed the police even one message.
2.9. I repeat my request for all information regarding any communication from the police to Vodafone, such as a request from the police for any information regarding the phone calls or text messages, and all information regarding any details of the alleged text messages.
2.10. Nowhere in the whole file is there any evidence whatsoever, apart from the word of a lying prostitute.
2.11. The transcript of her evidence is an utter joke, especially when compared to the statement and evidence of the only other witness, Betteridge’s statement and evidence are nothing but an utter litany of lies.
2.12. You and Constable Cadwallader told me you were coming to take a statement from me regarding this matter and others. You obviously lied to me, because when you came round, you only served me with the summons for ringing up Colin Allomes.
2.13. The disclosure I have received regarding the latest charges, regarding the summons you served me with, contains no statement from the complainant according to the attached Police Disclosure Receipt, attached “C”. Was a statement taken or not, if so where is it, and if not, why not?
2.14. I have complained a number of times regarding Allomes’ breaches of bail and intimidation of me, and provided evidence of his repeated intimidation of witnesses in the same manner in the past. Further evidence can be easily obtained because his phone is in the name of his employer, it is a business expense and the phone accounts (which they are obliged to keep for 7 years) will clearly show all the calls to me on the dates I have stated they were made. I request police secure evidence of these calls without further delay.
2.15. I told Det Carl Newton and woman police constable “Becks” at Palmerston North that he had rung and threatened to kill me while I was driving to the police station on the night of the assault on 27 April 2007.
2.16. The most recent call was 15 February 2008
2.17. I request again that he be charged with making the threatening calls in breach of his bail, as well as the threatening and offensive calls made both before and after the term of his bail, including the most recent call received last month, which was threatening and intimidating, and intended to frighten me into not giving evidence. I request police immediately obtain the telephone records from his employer, and from Telecom, which show the evidence of the calls.
2.18. I request any information at all that police made any attempts whatsoever to obtain any information from Telecom regarding these seriously threatening calls, I certainly complained, and nothing whatsoever was done about it, except to recently charge me with ringing him up a year ago.
2.19. I request any information whatsoever regarding any attempts by police to obtain any information from Vodafone regarding the seriously threatening text messages which I told Constable Cunningham and other police officers I had received from Rachel Betteridge and her husband. I request evidence of any request made by police to Vodafone regarding Betteridge’s complaint or mine.
2.20. I request this be considered a formal complaint regarding the manner in which the police have dealt with this complaint and the amount of tax payers money wasted taking the matter to Court in the first place.
2.21. I request an apology. I have evidence which has been presented to the police. The ‘Postal Service’ had no evidence, Betteridge had no evidence. Police have clearly used their discretion with prejudice.
3. A prima facie case exists, Mr McPhee boasted of what he did in the newspaper, home invasion is a serious crime, so is assault, much more serious than billsticking or ringing up Colin Allomes is, and he should be charged accordingly.
3.1. I witnessed the violent home invasion and went to the Carterton Police Station to make a complaint. Harvey Pope told me to piss off and mind my own business.
3.2. Did Constable Pope bother to record in his notebook that a person had come in to report witnessing a home invasion and assault?
3.3. I then wrote a written statement and delivered it to the police station.
3.4. At least one other person also wrote a statement and it was also delivered to the police, and when no charges were laid a copy of the statement was delivered to the Wairarapa Times Age.
4. There seems to be an entrenched and endemic problem with the local police refusing to take note of any evidence that doesn’t suit them, and it seems hardly surprising when the Area Commander no less, not to mention the Prime Minister, ignores evidence such as that given by Mr and Mrs Kennedy regarding the attack on me by Georgina Beyer.
4.1. The local police seem to regularly exercise their discretion with bias and prejudice.
4.2. I complained that ‘Ms’ Beyer had stood up, leaned in my direction, pointed at me with forceful stabbing motions, and shouted abuse and threats at me. This was confirmed by written statements from at least six witnesses, including the Kennedy’s, who were impartial, having never previously met me or heard of me.
4.3. I repeat my request that Georgina Beyer be charged with assault. Her behaviour was exactly the same as that Ms Betteridge untruthfully complained of.
5. Regarding the bill sticking.
5.1. I went into the police station to lay a complaint that the lock of the Post Office box belonging to the former Carterton Community Centre Inc had been changed by the manager at NZ Post without authorisation to do so from the Centre.
5.2. I was told by police I would have to provide evidence that I was authorised to access the box, and authorised to make the complaint.
5.3. I went back to the police station the following day with several documents and the original Minutes Book of the Carterton Community Centre.
5.4. I also reminded police that I held the keys to the box and was the only person entitled to do so at that time. Sgt Reid’s letter confirms that I held the keys legally.
5.5. The complaints of Wollerman Cooke & McClure, and the ‘group’ that firm claimed to represent were not upheld in any way by any of the organisations they complained to.
5.6. I was told that police would “look into it.”
5.7. I also complained to New Zealand Post about the matter.
5.8. I was the Secretary and Treasurer of the former Carterton Community Centre and legally authorised to access the box.
5.9. I lawfully held the keys for the box.
5.10. A complaint was made to the police by a group of persons who falsely claimed to represent the Community Centre, that I had stolen property belonging to the Centre, including the keys to the buildings and the post box used by the Centre.
5.11. The letter from Sgt Reid shows that police clearly established that I had the legal right, as Secretary and Finance Officer, to possession of the property, just as I had the legal right to access the post box, and the mail therein. This letter clearly shows that the Police rejected this complaint.
5.12. The letter from Sgt Reid refers to the fact that the complaint of theft against me was made to the police by Wollerman, Cooke and McClure.
5.13. Sgt Reid took some time to look at the evidence and made the right decision.
5.14. Wollerman, Cooke and McClure refused to take instruction from the legal members of the Society or the legally elected Executive Officers. The firm chose to take instruction from the group of people who took over the Centre illegally after the Chairman of the Committee, Tony Feinson, punched me in the face and broke two of my teeth in the office of the Centre, despite being advised by the police that I was legally entitled to represent the Centre.
5.15. I understand that the manager of the Carterton branch of the NZ post is married to a woman who works for Wollerman, Cooke and McClure, please confirm this.
5.16. The complaint to the police by Wollerman Cooke & McClure was knowingly false.
5.17. Evidence of this is a report by CYFS regarding a complaint to them regarding funding, the invalidity of the contract between CYFS and the Carterton Community Centre, and allegations of fraud, corruption, and violence at the Centre.
5.18. This report shows that the ‘group’ who took over the Centre illegally told the investigator that they did not know anything about any missing property in an attempt to conceal the decision of the police regarding who had the legal right to represent the Community Centre and hold the records of the Society, and convince the investigator that all was well at the Centre. This can be confirmed by CYPS or the ‘group.’
You attended a meeting at the Centre at which members were locked out. You said you would come to my home to look at the evidence and take a complaint regarding the illegal activities of the group who took over the Centre. You never did so, just like you did not take the complaints as you recently promised you would do, with Constable Cadwallader, again.
Constable Cadwallader has time to run Chris Webb’s drunken customers home from the Lounge Bar, and help Larry Manson move house, and you obviously have lots of time to write deceitful letters, letters full of deceit.
I request all information held by the New Zealand Police regarding the current charges, or including written information, audio recordings, and all information specified in the attached letter from Ken Daniels to the Police.
I went to the police station and made formal complaints about Gary McPhee’s home invasion, Georgina Beyer’s assault, threatening and offensive text messages and phone calls from Rachel Betteridge, Jason Betteridge and Colin Allomes, and the theft of the property of the Carterton Community Centre and all the organisations under the control of the Centre, I have also requested police take statements from myself and another witness regarding a theft of $500 involving a suspect who lied to police and said she had received a phone call from the witness and I when she had not. Nothing was done about searching phone records or even requesting any information at all regarding that theft, why not?
I look forward to your urgent response.
I am writing to Sgt Glenn Taplin about threatening and offensive phone calls and text messages which I received in January and February 2006.
I received two long phone calls from Rachel Betteridge of Vivian St, Masterton on about January 21st 2006. The calls were on different days.
During these calls Rachel Betteridge said a number of things that offended me.
On 12 February 2006 I received a considerable number of text messages from Rachel Betteridge and her husband Jason Betteridge, most of which were threatening and/or offensive.
Attached are statements from two Justices of the Peace confirming transcripts of the messages which are still stored on the phone, and there is another transcript which has already been provided to the police by both Ken Daniels and myself previously, which includes more messages. I had to delete some of the earlier messages in order to free up memory space to receive the later messages, but I transcribed them before doing so.
I did not initiate communication with Rachel Betteridge on any of these occasions.
I swear that this is true.
Katherine Jane Raue
2. “Please provide this in formation without further delay, and all information regarding the complaint of theft regarding the caravan.”
As above, there is no correspondence or documentation held by Police on the theft of the caravan. Senior Sergeant Johnston advises that this matter was dealt with at the time on the telephone. Your request for this information is refused pursuant to section 29(2)(b) of the Privacy Act 1993 as the information does not exist.
Attached to your letter was another letter dated 20 March 2008 addressed to Sergeant Glenn Taplin. In your letter you request:
1. “Please provide this correspondence or specify how the matters were addressed.”
Sergeant Taplin addressed these matters to which you refer to in your letter, in his letter to you dated 30 October 2007. Sergeant Taplin states:
“it is my understanding that these matters have been addressed in previous correspondence between Mr Daniels and Police or the Police Complaints Authority and yourself and I do not intend to re visit those matters.”
It is my understanding that this matter is closed. If you require further information, please advise Police of the exact information you require in relation to Mr Daniels’ letters dated August 2004 and April 2006.
2. “Provide me immediately with any evidence at all of any of the messages that Betteridge and the police alleged that I sent to her.”
Police are currently trying to locate this information and I will contact you if any information can be located.
3. “I repeat my request for all information regarding any communication from the Police to Vodafone, such as a request from the Police for any information regarding the phone calls or text messages, and all information regarding any details of the alleged text messages.”
Your request for this information is refused pursuant to section 29(2)(b) of the Privacy Act 1993 as the information does not exist.
I note that in your letter to the Masterton Police Prosecutor on 10 October 2007, you advise that “Vodafone wrote to me to and confirmed that they have never received any inquiry form the Police at all regarding this matter.” It is therefore unclear to Police what further information you are seeking.
- So Police admit that they proceeded with a prosecution against me but they never ever had any information to support the prosecution at all, and then when asked by me and my lawyer, Michael Appleby, to obtain the evidence from Vodafone they refused, because they knew it would show that I was the victim in the matter, not the offender, and that Betteridge and her husband should have been charged, not me.
2. “Please provide this in formation without further delay, and all information regarding the complaint of theft regarding the caravan.”
As above, there is no correspondence or documentation held by Police on the theft of the caravan. Senior Sergeant Johnston advises that this matter was dealt with at the time on the telephone. Your request for this information is refused pursuant to section 29(2)(b) of the Privacy Act 1993 as the information does not exist. - What utter lies!
Attached to your letter was another letter dated 20 March 2008 addressed to Sergeant Glenn Taplin. In your letter you request:
1. “Please provide this correspondence or specify how the matters were addressed.”
Sergeant Taplin addressed these matters to which you refer to in your letter, in his letter to you dated 30 October 2007. Sergeant Taplin states:
“it is my understanding that these matters have been addressed in previous correspondence between Mr Daniels and Police or the Police Complaints Authority and yourself and I do not intend to re visit those matters.”
It is my understanding that this matter is closed. If you require further information, please advise Police of the exact information you require in relation to Mr Daniels’ letters dated August 2004 and April 2006.
2. “Provide me immediately with any evidence at all of any of the messages that Betteridge and the police alleged that I sent to her.”
Police are currently trying to locate this information and I will contact you if any information can be located.
3. “I repeat my request for all information regarding any communication from the Police to Vodafone, such as a request from the Police for any information regarding the phone calls or text messages, and all information regarding any details of the alleged text messages.”
Your request for this information is refused pursuant to section 29(2)(b) of the Privacy Act 1993 as the information does not exist.
I note that in your letter to the Masterton Police Prosecutor on 10 October 2007, you advise that “Vodafone wrote to me to and confirmed that they have never received any inquiry form the Police at all regarding this matter.” It is therefore unclear to Police what further information you are seeking.
So, if there was nothing put to paper, what's this?
These allegations are lies, which is why the police ignored them. The illegal "group" then wrote this letter to Oasis Trust:
- Oasis responded with THIS:
I agree totally with Glenn Taplin needs looking at- he has somehow passed himself off as this good cop that stops violence- Glen Taplin was right behind my son being illegally taken from me and Sue Mackle. These are the people claiming they have no time for child abuse cases- yet have time to charge people they dont like with pathetic made up crimes -I wonder how they would like it if we wrote to the community about what they do in their spare time wouldnt they not look so pretty then. Tax money wasters should be their title
ReplyDeletewhoever runs this story might be able to help me
ReplyDeleteQuite likely . . . want to talk? Leave a phone number, or email address.