Regarding this letter from Police Damage Control Manager, "I will try and address the issues as I see them" - not "I will try and look at things from your perspective and address the issues you have raised."
According to his numbered points:
- Firstly, has there been any response to the two letters sent by Mr Daniels, and the vague allegation that "these matters have been addressed in previous correspondence . . . . . and I do not intend to revisit them." This is utter rubbish, Tara Sewell of the Police lied and wrote a letter dated 30 May 2008 stating this (my comments in italics):
1. “All information regarding police file 010518/2481’
There is no file with that number held by Police therefore your request for information is refused pursuant to section 29(2)(b) of the Privacy Act 1993 as the information does not exist. The file is the subject of the letter to lawyer Kamil Lakshman of Ainslie Hewton from Sgt GN Reid of Masterton Police
2. “All information regarding a complaint of theft by the same group of people against myself and Jennifer Armstrong and Oasis Trust regarding a derelict caravan on the site of the former Carterton Community Gardens in Moreton Road”
I am advised by Senior Sergeant Johnston there is no correspondence or documentation held by Police on the theft of the derelict caravan. He further advises that this matter was dealt with at the time on the telephone. Your request for this information is refused pursuant to section 29(2)(b) of the Privacy Act 1 993 as the information does not exist. What rubbish - there was a pile of paperwork on this one! Links will be up soon, watch this space, this is a really good one! Police wasted a whole lot of time over this complaint against me and Jennifer Armstrong, when the complainants had no authority whatsoever to make any complaints at all, and lied in telling everyone they had been authorised. And, this was 6 months after they'd signed ownership over to us anyway!
3. “All information regarding the complaints relating to the illegal takeover, fraud, theft of mall and theft of all assets of the former Community Centre”
Police currently have insufficient information to locate the information that you have requested. Police will require more information from you in order to locate the information.
Please provide Police with details such as the date(s) of the above mentioned incidents, the approximate time(s) of the incidents, any Police staff involved and what specific information you require from Police.
Police will consider and process your request for information once further details are received. This was, inter alia, the subject of the letters from Ken Daniels and the other lawyers.
4. “AII information regarding the phone calls made to the police by Larry Mason (through 111 emergency services I believe), Rachel Betteridge and Ewen Hyde (either 111 or directly to Masterton Police station), including all transcripts and audio recordings, job sheets, etc regarding the complaints made against me to the police by these people”
Police currently have insufficient information to locate the information that you have requested. Police will require more information from you in order to locate the information.
Please provide Police with details such as the approximate date(s) of the above mentioned phone calls, the approximate time(s) of the phone calls and any further information that you think will help Police in the search for information about the phone calls. - This was the subject, inter alia, of the two letters sent by Ken Daniels referred to above, and a large amount of other correspondence.
5. “Any information that any attempt whatsoever was made by police to obtain any evidence of Rachel Betteridge’s claims.” The second page of the letter claims that "this information doesn't exist." No, because Police never even looked at her phone let alone contacted Vodafone, to verify Betteridge's outrageous lies. I challenge them to do so, and to address the signed statements from the JP's, seeking sworn statements from them both. Links to these matters will be up soon, in the meantime, search the site for them.

There was more than a "verbal exchange" - there was a violent and unprovoked attack by two huge, drunken bikies, on tiny little sick people and women. This article above us pure political propaganda of the Adolf Hitler School. "The flat had been the centre of police inquiries" indeed. Yes, like my house was the "centre of police inquiries after the violent attack on me on 11th February 2009. "I want people to feel safe" indeed! So I bash people's doors in and assault them for no reason. Yeah, right.
Gary McPhee and Ron Mark are posers. Read these two articles, and the other information on this site, and marvel at the mentality of people who voted for this nit wit.
It doesn't take 20 years to do something about violence - unless you spend your time like this, posing for pictures and getting 'touched up' (by 'artists'). Check out the silly little baseball hat for goodness sake.
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