Things took a far more sinister turn recently when two local Police Sergeants sent each other emails discussing how "something needs to be looked at regarding Kate Raue's blog and the statements she's making on it about our staff." They and their colleagues and others then conspired to pervert the course of justice by falsely charging me with offences I didn't commit - which is part of a pattern of malicious and vexatious prosecutions against me since I had the misfortune to move to the Wairarapa, and these falsely laid charges were then used to incarcerate me in a mental asylum for months, accused of having "Delusional Disorder" - despite many reports from top psychiatrists directly contradicting this.
The PCA and the IPCA refuse to investigate or even acknowledge the serious complaints made by me and several lawyers. Their responses to correspondence are nothing short of an orchestrated litany of lies.
These matters are greatly in the public interest because they involve our former Carterton Community Centre, which was taken over illegally and closed down to cover up the fraud and serious misfeasance that occured there. Ex MP Georgina Beyer was involved with the Centre, and was Patron of it at the same time as she was a Member of Parliament and wrote several letters regarding the fraud and misfeasance at the Centre, these letters resulted in her resignation from parliament because they contained untruths.
The previous post notes how barely qualified "forensic registrar" Brenda Sally Rimkeit, encouraged by corrupt and incompetent amicus curiae and ex police officer Bryan Yeoman, wrote a certificate for the Court at Wellington on 8th March stating that I should be detained in a secure mental asylum in order to have two reports completed, to address the question of whether I was fit to stand trial. Both of them
knew full well that this was not necessary, because the only reason I had not attended two previous appointments was because they had been made in Porirua and not Masterton, like the one that I had attended, and WINZ unlawfully refused to assist when I applied for a recoverable advance for travel costs to the appointment which had been made at Porirua unnecessarily, by Rimkeit herself.
Judge Barry had agreed with me only a week or so previously that the appointments should have been made in Masterton and if they had been I would have attended. This post takes a closer look at the various psychiatric reports etc, and how Rimkeit and some of her colleagues have hijacked the justice system and led to a serious miscarriage of justice. At this point I'd like to note that the last report Rimkeit wrote announced that she would no longer be practicing as a forensic psychiatrist, the evidence on this site will show you why that is, and why Rimkeit should be charged with Perverting the Course of Justice, making false declarations, intentionally submitting false and misleading documents to the Court, etc. Here is her "professional opinion":
"It is my opinion (and that of forensic psychiatrist Dr Jacqueline Short, currently my acting supervisor) that Ms Raue is unfit to stand trial. She currently has a mental impairment which is Delusional Disorder. Ms Raue has stated on a number of occasions during this assessment period that she feels capable of representing and defending herself against the current charges. She has suggested that her main line of defence is that the charges are the result of corrupt acts by certain parties and that she will name these parties in Court. My concern is that if she proceeds to represent herself at Court she may, through her delusional belief system, falsely accuse certain parties of wrongdoing."
(- 22 March 2011, Brenda Sally Rimkeit)
This is outrageous! Citizens should be able to report police incompetence and corruption without being locked in a mental asylum and labelled delusional. Read the true story of how Brenda Sally Rimkeit and a couple of her colleagues perverted the course of justice and stopped a jury trial proceeding in order to conceal police incompetence and corruption.
Dr Hiran Thabrew signed the papers committing me to Rangipapa without even examining me. He knew perfectly well that there was nothing wrong with me, but he went along with the corrupt and sadistic process for his own reasons.
Ironically, tragically, Dr Thabrew's wife had committed suicide not long before he corruptly and deliberately signed my life away.
Dr Thabrew wouldn't know mental illness if he fell over it.
Brenda Sally Rimkeit ceased practising forensic psychiatry at the same time I was acquitted of all charges and was last heard of practising as a "financial advisor" - at the slyly named "MADDIE Investments" - I wouldn't buy a used car from her and neither would anyone in their right mind! - Just check out the company details - nobody would invest money with this woman if they ever wanted to see the money again.
Here's what Dr Nick Judson said only two or three days before the Crown decided to offer no evidence: "Ms Raue presented as pleasant, polite, well groomed and looked physically quite healthy and relaxed." "Her manner was pleasant and quite relaxed throughout the interview and she showed no evidence of any pressure in her thinking. Her speech, while a little speeded at times, was not noticeably pressured and her thought processes were logical and rational throughout the period of the interview. We spent some time discussing the issues of the court, the charges and her intended defence. She was able to explain clearly and rationally the way in which she intends to defend herself against the charge and remained focused on this throughout, without introducing any extraneous or irrelevant material and without displaying any paranoid thought processes in relation to the charges." "Her understanding of the legal issues is very good and she has the ability to formulate and enter a plea and to follow all the matters pertinent to the court." "Overall my impression is that she will be able to interact successfully with the court for the purpose of conducting her defence. In my opinion she is fit to stand trial."
Another psychiatrist, Dr Justin Barry-Walsh wrote: Her account included a number of persecutory ideas. However on balance considering her ideas and reviewing the other materials, I do not think Ms Raue has a mental illness, particularly I do not believe that she has a psychotic illness characterised by the development of persecutory delusions." He also says "I would further observe the litigious quality to her presentation means that she has an exaggerated intellectual understanding of court process and would be well capable of following legal process and both entering a plea and instructing a lawyer." These reports make an utter mockery of the Crown memorandum, which was written two days after the report saying: "Ms Raue presented as pleasant, polite, well groomed and looked physically quite healthy and relaxed." "Her manner was pleasant and quite relaxed throughout the interview and she showed no evidence of any pressure in her thinking. Her speech, while a little speeded at times, was not noticeably pressured and her thought processes were logical and rational throughout the period of the interview. We spent some time discussing the issues of the court, the charges and her intended defence. She was able to explain clearly and rationally the way in which she intends to defend herself against the charge and remained focused on this throughout, without introducing any extraneous or irrelevant material and without displaying any paranoid thought processes in relation to the charges." "Her understanding of the legal issues is very good and she has the ability to formulate and enter a plea and to follow all the matters pertinent to the court." "Overall my impression is that she will be able to interact successfully with the court for the purpose of conducting her defence. In my opinion she is fit to stand trial." They had no evidence to offer in the first place. The Prosecutors and police officers should be charged with contempt of Court, so should Drs Sally Rimkeit, Jacqueline Short, Safarti and others.
- Read full story at this link
The Maori Jesus
I saw the Maori JesusWalking on Wellington Harbour.He wore blue dungarees.His beard and hair were long.His breath smelt of mussels and paraoa.When he smiled it looked like the dawn.When he broke wind the little fishes trembled.When he frowned the ground shook.When he laughed everybody got drunk.
The Maori Jesus came on shore.And picked out his twelve disciples.One cleaned toilets in the Railway Station;His hands were scrubbed red to get the shit out of the pores.One was a call girl who turned it up for nothing.One was a housewife who’d forgotten the PillAnd stuck her TV set in the rubbish can.One was a little office clerkWho’d tried to set fire to the Government Buildings.Yes, and there were several others;
One was a sad old quean;One was an alcoholic priestGoing slowly mad in a respectable parish.The Maori Jesus said, ‘Man,From now on the sun will shine.’
He did no miracles;He played the guitar sitting on the ground.The first day he was arrestedfor having no lawful means of support.
The second day he was beaten up by the copsFor telling a dee his house was not in order.The third day he was charged with being a MaoriAnd given a month in Mount Crawford.The fourth day he was sent to PoriruaFor telling a screw the sun would stop rising.
The fifth day lasted seven yearsWhile he worked in the asylum laundryNever out of the steam.The sixth day he told the head doctor,‘I am the Light in the Void;I am who I am.’
The seventh day he was lobotomized;The brain of God was cut in half.On the eighth day the sun did not rise.
It didn’t rise the day after.God was neither alive nor dead.The darkness of the Void,Mountainous, mile-deep, civilized darknessSat on the earth from then till now.
James K Baxter.
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