"The very word 'secrecy' is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers, which are cited to justify it."
President John F. Kennedy
Address to newspaper publishers, April 27, 1961
This has been demonstrated by the recent scandal involving Rupert Murdoch,Rebecca Brooks, David Cameron and several other British politicians (who enjoyed 'riding' and other activities with Ms Brooks) - hacking the phones of teenage murder victims among other things - perverting the course of justice.
Here in NZ we've got John Key acting against legal advice (again) and 'giving' the media a big handout right around the time of the last election which - surprise, surprise, he won after his controversial 'radio show' which was the subject of formal complaints shortly before the last election.
On the morning of 7 December the body of Jacintha Saldahna was found, news reports indicate she committed suicide, after two Australian radio station hosts made a "prank call" to King Edward VII hospital where Jacintha Saldahna worked. She left two little children, and grieving family and friends.
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