Walk into any police station and you can see one of the shiny posters with the face-shaped mirror, and the words “Whose behaviour does your child reflect?” The posters that tax payers paid for because the police decided that violence and other anti social behaviour displayed by young people was directly attributable to the example set by their parents. Except if the parents are police officers, apparently. There seems to be a double standard as far as the police, and the media, are concerned.
The Wairarapa Times Age of 19th November 2009 bears a story on the front page regarding the appallingly violent torture and murder of Paul Irons, by three young men, aged 15, 17 and 25 at the time. The behaviour of these three murderers is a very accurate reflection of a sick, dysfunctional society, and in particular, a reflection of the attitudes of our so called community leaders and 'community agencies'. There are a lot of people in cushy jobs who are maintaining the problems in the Wairarapa deliberately in order to create jobs for themselves. Tere Lenihan and the Safer Communities organisation and Corinne Oliver and the Rise Above It and now the Like Minds Like Mine "program" and Mental Health Support in the Community - also known as Wellington Area Mental Health Consumers Union (Yeah, right!) and the To Be Heard Project spring to mind immediately, these heavily funded little 'programs' are abject failures, and the horrific murder of Paul Irons and the "Oh well, it's really just a case of why Featherston again" quote from Mayor Adrienne Staples prove it. They don't listen to the people involved, they just talk at them in a patronising and dismissive manner.
For over a year now the local media have refused to report one simple fact. That is the fact that the 17 year old self confessed murderer, who has been previously referred to in every single newspaper report that I have read as Andrew Kupa-Caudwell, was in fact always known in the community by the name Andrew Dean, or AD, the son of the local policeman.
It is in the public interest to know this fact, given the claim of the police that children reflect their parents behaviour, and given the fact that about 12 months ago the Dominion Post published on the front page an article in which the local area commander of the police boasts about how he encourages local police to break the law and breach the privacy of anyone they wish by making that person’s file available to anyone who wants to see it basically - members of ‘community agencies’, as they put it. These agencies are staffed by the same sort of people who ripped off the Carterton Community Centre, people who make a career out of getting their own snout in the trough and keeping it there. The standard of the local police is pitiful. They are for the most part, cowardly and corrupt bullies, who, like their mate McGoofy, prefer to pick on people much smaller and weaker and more vulnerable. What other explanation is there for refusing to charge him after he had the cheek to boast about his cowardly, drunken, violent home invasion in the "news"paper?
We have serious problems with violence in our communities here in the Wairarapa (and elsewhere), and it has been so for a long, long time. There seems to be two things contributing to this, and they both begin with P, one is the methamphetamine and the other is the corrupt local police, who encourage violence by protecting bullies like McPhee. Local police are controlling the drugs in the Wairarapa, they know perfectly well where all the P is coming from and where it goes. They devote all their resources to pursuing personal, corrupt vendettas instead of doing anything about the P - which is what causes the violence - just ask the family of Coral Ellen Burrows. Alcohol and P. McPee built a pub for goodness sake. He spends most of his time drinking and causing trouble - violent trouble, he has a long and well publicised history of it, and the police have a long history of letting him off for it.
The police knew perfectly well that Stephen Williams was an accident waiting to happen. The 'partner' of Coral Ellen Burrows' mother, and the son of Robyn Williams. Mother and son had a reputation for being police informers and P users/dealers, and both Stephen Williams and his sister were both jailed for different murders (and may both be still in prison).
A group of local people, including the South Wairarapa police, with no doubt the same mentality as those who employed Georgina Beyer to teach "Life Skills", put forward the absolutely abhorrent notion that Robyn Williams, the P addicted mother of two convicted murderers, should be the leader of a local initiative, that would no doubt apply for a considerable amount of public funds, with the full endorsement of the local police. Widespread public opposition saw the idea dropped and Robyn Williams disappear off the radar, thank goodness.
Nobody deserved to die the way Paul Irons died. My heart goes out to his family, especially his brother and sister in law and their children, Paul’s nieces and nephews. They have every right to be very proud of him for being a friendly, peaceful, and totally non violent gentle man.
No little child or anyone else should suffer what Coral Ellen Burrows must have suffered. Both these murders are completely unacceptable, and they are an indictment on our entire community.
In the church, during the funeral of Paul Irons, we listened to all the speakers, listened to all the silences. I wanted to say something, but I was afraid I might say too much, so I said nothing. I did a lot of listening and thinking though. I listened for any last whisper from the last little spark of electricity that was once Paul Irons that might be spinning around the universe, the coffin there, in the centre of the cool, quiet church. And I looked up, at the beautiful stained glass windows in the little church in Featherston, at the beautiful rainbows of tiny glass shards, all united into a beautiful tapestry. A beautiful picture of a man with a golden halo, and some children, and a ribbon through the sky, with the words: "Suffer the little children to come unto me." I thought about Paul, and how he had a childlike, innocent nature. He was still there, in the church, that day, listening too. We'd like to take this opportunity to mention Peter and Jenny Giddens, local funeral directors. Peter was recently appointed a JP, and about time.
Local Councils erect statues to Russian Jack and Joseph Masters, they would be better to name parks after Paul Irons, Coral Ellen Burrows and all the other victims of violence, because I really believe that would make a huge difference in our communities.
Nobody deserved to die the way Paul Irons died. Especially Paul Irons, who by every single account I have ever heard was a peaceful, friendly, happy, fun loving man who wouldn’t ever hurt anyone.
Take another look at the smirk on the face of the policeman’s son. A newspaper account regarding one of his court appearances while out on bail failed to mention that his policeman father was apparently still on duty and had been transferred to Hawkes Bay or somewhere, in spite of his obvious failure as a parent and a community guardian, but the report detailed how Andrew Deans had apparently stolen his father’s car while on bail, for the horrifically violent murder of a small, gentle, harmless person, and gone to visit his girlfriend in Featherston in breach of his bail.
Unbelievably, instead of having his bail cancelled and being locked up immediately, the Court Victim Advisor was apparently asked to contact Deans’ girlfriend’s parents and obtain their permission for him to contact his girlfriend while he was still out on bail. She was a witness for the prosecution!
Can't believe the latest news - Judge Wild's comments praising the bahaviour of the murderering scum. Kupa-Caudwell, who has suffered from cancer in his leg, was granted bail with his family in Waiouru on strict conditions, pending the February sentencing date.
Upon the conviction being entered, Justice Wild used the occasion to hit back at critics of legal aid defence lawyers, telling an emptying courtroom that the criticism was ''not justified in this trial''. Addressing the three legal aid defence teams, he said: ''From start to finish every single one of you has been an exemplar of defence advocacy.'' He praised the defence lawyers for their ''focused and effective cross-examination of almost 70 witnesses during the three-week trial'' and called their combined closing addresses to the jury ''amongst the best I've heard in 11 years''. ''I wish to let the public of this country know that the criticisms are not true of much, or most, of the cases where the defendant or the accused is legally aided.'' What sickening rot! They all should have pleaded guilty in the first place, their legal aid lawyers should have advised them to do so in the strongest possible terms. They dragged the trial out over months and months and the lawyers sucked up money the whole time, defending these murdering cowards. The comments of Judge Wild are outrageous, and evidence of the way violent offenders in the Wairarapa are treated like heroes. If anyone has a copy of the 'news'paper article about Andrew Deans breaching bail and the Court Victim Advisor being directed by the Judge to facilitate contact between Deans and his girlfriend, please email me details of the publication and the date. I requested it from the Wairarapa Archive but they were unable to find it or unwilling to look for it.
The media have supported bullies and made them out to be heroes: Gary McPhee, Garth Gadsby, Tere Torea, local police, some of whom are heroes, there is no doubt, but many in the Wairarapa, far too many are just scum. Media have widely publicised McGoofy's bumper stickers saying "Lets kill violent people" - what a great idea - let's start with Gary McPhee, Chris Keegan, Garth Gadsby, and Andrew Deans and his mates. Funny how Gary had plenty to say about his silly little stickers, whch do as much to stop violence as white ribbons do, but he has absolutely nothing to say about the murder of Paul Irons, and neither do Beyer the Liar, John Hayes, Ron Mark or any of the other professional politicians who are all too busy trying to get their snouts further into the trough. This murder surpasses all previous violence in the Wairarapa, or anywhere for that matter, it was planned and premeditated, and it shows that our so called community leaders are cowards, bullies and hypocrites, and that the police and local politicians are the main cause of the violence. We need to get rid of corrupt, lazy, incompetent community leaders right now, not next year or whenever, because they drag the whole community down into the gutter with their Rise Above It hypocrisy. These campaigns are a total waste of money, they aim to "raise awareness" of violence, Georgina Beyer cooking pikelets at the local bank for a dozen people does nothing to stop violence. Violence has skyrocketed while Georgina Beyer, Goofy McPhee, Ron Mark and John Hayes have been 'in charge'. It's time to push their snouts out of the trough and make them go and get a real job. Beyer certainly couldn't, and let down the cast, crew and audience of the stage show which represented so much of other people's hard work and commitment, Beyer pulled out the day before the show was to open, and hasn't been able to get a real job since because most people have more sense than to give 'her' one after seeing the evidence of 'her' corruption and incompetence, not to mention the thieving and lying regarding the affairs of the "Carterton Community Facility Event Centre". The local paper published all about McPhee's great plans for a pizza restaurant at the Rimutaka Summit after the arson which was widely believed to have been caused by McPhee's henchmen, in order to create an opportunity for McPhee to get rid of the tenant and take control of the site for his own profit. In spite of all McPhee's big talk, there's still nothing there, and has been nothing there all this time he's been on the Council. When I am elected there will be a gondola and flying fox, bush walk, a deli/cafe/bistro featuring local food and wine, and a proper information centre. McPhee's done nothing whatsoever and he has had every opportunity. He and Beyer and their mates, the bullying, corrupt local police,are causing and maintaining the violence in the Wairarapa.
The local media have slandered and defamed me to keep Beyer and McPhee in power and to assist their mates to maintain control of public money. Don't waste money on the Wairarapa Times-Age, get the news here, for free. Check out http://kiwisfirst.co.nz/ for more free news, and http://www.cartertoncommunitynews.webs.com/ for more ont he Carterton Community Centre. I suggest that the Wairarapa District Council rename the park where Paul Irons was so savagely murdered and call it Paul Irons Memorial Park and make another space beautiful and call it Coral Ellen Burrows Memorial Park, because this would raise awareness of violence much more than scraps of silly little white ribbons.
And the answer to the question whose behaviour does Andrew Deans reflect: he reflects and attitude of sick violence and bullying of vulnerable people characterised by the behaviour and attitudes of the local police, and of the society that helps to keep it all a big secret. The "news" reports of the matter reflect a problem involving community attitudes being manipulated by the police and the media.
It reflects the attitudes of our so called community leaders too, Adrienne Staples is quoted as saying "Really, it's just a case of why Featherston again?" regarding Paul Irons murder. Out of touch, in denial, and head in the sand are phrases that spring to mind.
People don't just turn murderous overnight, there are a lot of accidents waiting to happen in the Wairarapa and nothing is being done to prevent violence, the police are actively covering up for dangerous and violent offenders like Gary McPhee, Michael Murphy, Tuakana Greig, and spreading lies like "the victims asked for it because they were criminals" and other such vague and unsubstantiated rubbish. The offenders are growing more bold and arrogant, and more violent, they are loaded up on P and bored stiff. The police are too scared to deal with the real problems so they just pick on victims and vulnerable people. McPhee thinks it's all a big joke, making out he's the face of depression and weight loss in the Wairarapa while he gets his mates into all the jobs (some of them are doing alright, others are causing the suicide statistics), there is no proper evaluation at all, and no independent or objective audit of their 'clients' or investigation into what value for money there is in the services provided, what the 'services' actually are, and whether they actually have anything to do with the needs of the community. There's a link on the website to a recent New York Times article on mental illness in the community, haven't had time to put the link here - Here's links to articles about this murder in the Herald , a Dompost article, and an Otago Daily Times article. Now, here's the answer to the riddle "Whose behaviour does Andrew Deans reflect?" - that of recidivist drunken violent bully Gary McPhee and other so called community leaders like self elected Ngawi sheriff Garth Gadsby, South Wairarapa District Councillor 'Boof' Lyford, and now Vizor and Sullivan, the Martinborough vigilantes - who are despised by right thinking people. Look at this idiot: Then read the Audit Office report on McPhee's financial know how, and the story of the Great Cuisine School Debacle.
And here's the punchline: "Shaun Sullivan - the violent recidivist criminal branded as ringleader in the fatal 2008 bashing of Featherston man Paul Irons - has been given a life sentence minimum non-parole 12 years in prison.
Sullivan, 26, was sentenced yesterday in the Wellington High Court alongside teenage accomplices Rangitera Spencer Walker, 16, who received a minimum non-parole life sentence of 11 years in jail for murder and Andrew Dean Kupa-Caudwell, 18, who was handed a sentence of six years in prison with a minimum of three years to be served.
Justice John Wild said the lethal kicking and stomping of 36-year-old, 57kg Mr Irons was a "vicious, gratuitous and cowardly act of violence," on a defenceless man.
Early on October 9, 2008, Mr Irons was found semiconscious and partially naked with severe brain injuries in Featherston's Triangle Park - five days after the drunken bashing his devastated and heartbroken family withdrew life support.
His parents - Jack and Maureen Irons - read victim impact statements to the court before sentencing, revealing that their son suffered from a form of spinal arthritis that meant he could sometimes barely walk, let alone outrun his killers." - Wairarapa Times-Age publishes more propaganda! - only TWO of the offenders got long prison sentences, the cop's son was treated completely differently!!!
Great to see such alot of truth. Its not fun to be in the position of Andrew Deans parents but if you do not have the same connections as they have your life is turned upside down by people who feel they have the right to judge you by your childrens wrong doings. Even if you do not have a killer as a child but a non conformist you are treated with such contempt because you care. Why should his parents have the luxury of anominity when he has caused such grief.
ReplyDeleteBecause they are in with the police. How narrow minded these people are. How callous. If my son or daughter had done anything like this I"m sure people in the Masterton Police Station would be broadcasting it big time. HYpocrites is the word for these people. Do as I say and not as I do should be the slogan for the Masterton Police.