Thursday, June 3, 2010

Recent communications ignored by arrogant District Council:

4 June 2010 to Colin Wright CEO Carterton District Council:

Dear Mr Wright,
You were recently quoted in the paper as saying that the Council can't pull out of the Events Centre plan because, among other things, "an architect has been paid".
Who is the architect? 
Is it David Kernohan, who sits in the Environment Court?
How much have they been paid?  
Please itemise all other money spent by Council on the Community Facility/Event Centre plans, how much was granted, what for, and all supporting documentation provided in grant applications, etc.
Katherine Raue
Carterton Residents Association
Friends of the Carterton Community Centre

24 May 2010 to Colin Wright CEO Carterton District Council:

The minutes of the Heart of Carterton committee meeting dated 1 May 2009 refers (under item 3) to the Draft Business Plan, and your response to the request regarding when this would be available.  Please forward a copy of it by return email immediately and advise on what date it did become a public document and how it was notified to the public.
Is water taken for irrigation in the Carterton district metered?
How much water is taken for irrigation in the Carterton District annually?
What are the allocations, and the rates charged, for water to domestic users and to commercial users such as dairy farmers for irrigation and washing down milking sheds, etc.
Mayor McPhee and Council officer Chris Keegan seriously breached the Council's Code of Conduct by committing a violent, drunken home invasion, in response to an alleged noise complaint, in 2005, and was involved in another violent attack on me in my own home in February last year, and a number of other well publicised assaults and drunken bullying.  When is the Council going to address these most serious breach of the Code of Conduct?  - McPhee's actions, and the refusal of the Council to address them, have brought the entire Council into utter contempt and disrepute in the community, and throughout country, as evidenced by a recent episode of 'Outrageous Fortune' - congratulations for that, a really damning indictment on you all.
We insist that the Council also address the matters regarding the involvement of Elaine Brazendale, Ruth Carter, Julie Hallam, Ewen Hyde, Jill Greathead, Lyn Patterson and others who had conflicts of interest in their roles on Council and the affairs of various community organisations funded by Council, notably the Carterton Community Centre.
These people all knew that the members of the CCC, and the entire community had called for the affairs of the CCC to be audited, in particular, the financial affairs for the year 2000/2001, and the two personal grievance payments to Helen Staples and David Lambourne, of which at least one was made in direct contradiction to specific legal advice.
All of these people knew that the payments referred to in the minutes of the CCC dated 31 May 2000 (had been made fraudulently and against legal advice, and all deliberately tried to pervert the course of justice regarding the fraud.
Lyn Patterson in particular is guilty of deliberately attempting to pervert the course of justice with her "compilation" of the accounts.
Elaine Brazendale and Ruth Carter facilitated their friend John Crawford to present false information to Council about the CCC at a meeting of the Council (June 2002?), and then Brazendale voted on a motion to exclude the public from the deliberations on the Council's annual grant to the CCC, without declaring her conflict of interest,
All of the people named above have failed to declare conflicts of interest on these matters according to the minutes.
I want my election deposit returned.  I handed my expense return to Julie Hallam as I have told Council before.  Hallam is a liar and a thief  Oh, was a liar and a thief (that's what happens to liars and thieves).
Ewen Hyde told Council that all submitters who asked to be heard in support of their submissions had been.  Hyde knew this was a deliberate lie intended to mislead Council for his own pecuniary gain.  Hyde wrote two different letters to submitters depending on whether he wanted them to be heard or not.  At least 50% of the submitters who asked to be heard where sent a letter specifically denying them the opportunity to be heard.  This is also a gross breach of not only the Code of Conduct, but the Local Government Act and the NZ Bill of Rights Act.
We've been making all these complaints for years, it's time Council responded to the Criminals in its midst.

Katherine Raue
Carterton Residents Association
Friends of the Carterton Community Centre
Transparency in New Zealand

12 May 2010

Council animal control staff spoke to the owners of a property on the corner of Belvedere Road and Kenwyn Drive recently regarding an appaloosa horse grazing there, and told the property owners that it was against Council bylaws.  The owners remember this clearly, please provide all information about this.
How much money has Council given to the "gaslight project" referred to in the Council minutes linked to, in total?
How much money did the Memorial Square upgrade cost?
How much extra did this project cost because of the necessity to "rip up" the walkway and start again?
Please provide a list of severance payments made by Council since 2000, for each year, and how much each payment was for and to whom it was paid.  In particular, how much was paid to your predecessor, Kieran Shaw?  
The minutes of the Council meeting dated 28 October 2009 state that Cr. Engel advised of a conflict of interest in relation to items 7.2 and 11.1 of the agenda.  The Agenda reads as follows:
10. General Business/Late Items

11. Public Excluded

Officer Recommendation

That the public be excluded from the following proceedings of the meeting.  The general subject matter, reasons and specific grounds under Section 48(1) Local Government Official Information & Meetings Act 1987 are as follows:

Subject Matter

10.1 Confirmation of Public Excluded Portion of Ordinary Meeting minutes dated 23rd September 2009.
10.2 Confirmation of the Audit Committee Meeting minutes dated 18th August 2009.

10.1 To enable the Council to deliberate in private on its decision.
10.2 To enable the Council to deliberate in private on its decision.

Grounds Under Section 48(1)

10.1 Clause 48(1)(d)
10.2 Clause 48(1)(d)

The Minutes read:
The Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Carterton District Council held in the Council Chambers, Holloway Street, Carterton on Wednesday 28th October 2009 at 9.30 am

His Worship the Mayor, G McPhee (Presiding)

Crs. E Brazendale, R Carter, B Durbin, C Engel, J Greathead, 
W Knowles, B Poulsen & G Smith 

In Attendance
C Wright (Chief Executive Officer)
M Hautler (Planning & Regulatory Manager)
S Zabell (Committee Secretary)

For Officer Reports

G Baker (Operations Manager)
B McWilliams (Community Facilities Manager)
J P Irwin (Roading Consultant)
S Clark (Engineering Consultant)

1. Apologies

There were no apologies.

2. Leave of Absence

Cr. W Knowles advised that he would be away from the 2nd November 2009 to the 9th November 2009.

Cr. R Carter advised that she would be away from the 30th November 2009 to the 11th December 2009.

3. Declaration of Pecuniary/Conflict of Interest

Cr. Engel advised of a conflict of interest in relation to items 7.2 and 11.1 of the agenda.


What exactly is the item 11.1 referred to in the Minutes?

7.   The minutes of the Heart of Carterton committee meeting on 1 May 09 state the following:

"A member from the public gallery asked when access to the Draft Business Plan could be expected.

The Chief Executive Officer advised that this would be dependent on what decisions the Committee reached in relation to the matter and that it would be a public document when it is complete.  He further advised that a workshop is to be held on Friday the 8th May 2009 where detailed discussion on future use of the proposed events centre will take place."

Please provide the plan immediately.

Katherine Raue

1 February 2010

I request all information held by the CDC about me according to the Privacy Act.
In particular I request all information regarding the numerous messages on my phone about several horses, and the involvement of Council officers in a number of incidents of illegal activity.
Gary McPhee and Council officer Chris Keegan committed a violent home invasion and assault at a flat in High Street Carterton in May 2005, in response to a noise complaint according to the police.  We request a copy of all information held by the Council regarding this alleged "noise complaint"  and the actions of McPhee and Keegan.
McPhee and Keegan committed this appalling act in their official capacity as representatives of the Council, according to the police.  This is clearly in direct contradiction to the Council code of conduct, etc.  Please provide all information regarding this matter held by the Council, including minutes of any Council meetings at which the matter was discussed.
I handed Julie Hallam my expense declaration after the last election and I want my deposit returned immediately and an inquiry into Julie Hallam's involvement in the cover up of the fraud and misfeasance at the Carterton Community Centre.
We request all information regarding the disposal of the property belonging to our organisation Friends of the Carterton Community Gardens, including the sheds delivered by the Council to the property of Council employee Melvin Pike, which has been requested previously and never provided.
Katherine Raue
Independent Police Conduct Authority ,,
date 19 March 2010 07:59
subject FORMAL COMPLAINT - Theft of horse
hide details 19 Mar

We have previously complained about the theft of a horse from Dalefield Rd, and the actions of SPCA and Council staff regarding this animal, and interference with horses belonging to the Carterton Community Gardens where horses have been moved from privately owned property by corrupt order of the Council and interfered with by other people, threats made by Michael Murphy immediately before another incident, etc.

Police have failed to respond to the complaints, this is now a formal complaint to the PCA and the Ombudsmen regarding the actions of the CDC, SPCA and police.

Please respond to our complaints urgently, and provide the information previously requested, photographs and all other information regarding the horse, copies of the advertisements the SPCA claims to have published, a copy of the letter (and envelope) allegedly sent to the assumed owner of the horse which Val Ball claims was returned, and all other information regarding this matter held by the police, the Carterton District Council, and the SPCA.

Katherine Raue

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